Project 2


Experiment with potential relationships between sound and image in the context of media (online, television). Pick standard, self-contained, mainstream media forms (commercials, movie trailers, YouTube advertisements) and investigate the manner in which sound and image work together (to condition and control viewer responses) by altering/replacing/switching soundtracks and imagetracks. Use as many edits as necessary, both in sound and image, always ensuring that image and sound-tracks come from different sources.


1. All materials (sound and image) must be pre-existing.

2. You must use a minimum of 30 sources, downloaded online.

3. Only one video / audio track should be playing at any one time. In other words, don’t use any overlays or mixing of simultaneous multiple sources.

4. Image and sound-tracks which play at the same time must always come from two different sources.

5. The materials you use should run at their original speed.

6. The sound and video edits do not need to happen at the same time (i.e. one soundtrack can be laid under many successive images; one image can be supported by many successive sound tracks).

7. Total duration = 5 minutes.

8. Upload the finished work(s) onto a new Vimeo / YouTube page (you will need to create a new page for your work, in either environment).

9. GENERAL PROCESSDon’t start with a fixed idea of what “meaning” you want to induce in your viewer; simply move things around and listen and look at the results. Things that don’t work well together are often more interesting than things that seem perfectly synchronized (though as we looked at in class with the commercials, surprising synchs can occur with certain types of materials).

As we talked about in class, humans seem to have a tendency to associate sound and image, even when the two are very contrasting with each other. So rather than make things work together, you can test this tendency by forcing your viewer to accept really strange combinations.


Discovering the intrinsic characteristics of visual and acoustic spaces.

Think about producing continuity by editing contrasting sources together, as well as producing discontinuity by editing similar (but not the same) sources together

Experimenting with found materials and détournement (Debord) to change the meaning of a given material and to disrupt the control structures inherent in mainstream media.

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1. Once your project is done, drag the orange handles of the “work area” bar so that they line up with the beginning and ending of your video.

2. If there is a RED LINE right below the “work area bar”, you will need to render before exporting. Go to the SEQUENCE menu and select “Render Entire Work Area”.

3. Then, go to the FILE menu, select Export, and MEDIA… (Command + M)

4. Another window will pop-up. Under “Format”, select H.264.

5. Under Preset, select “YouTube SD 480p 29.97″

6. Under “Output Name”, name your video and save location.

7. Make sure both Export Video and Export Audio are selected.

8. Under the AUDIO tab below, scroll down to the bottom to Bitrate Settings, and select 320 (the highest quality).

9. At the very bottom of the window, click on QUEUE. This will open up the Media Encoder.

10. Your file will appear in the Media Encoder list, and should indicate “Ready” at the end of the line. If so, press the play button at the top-right corner of the window.

11. Wait.

12. Check that the exported file has correctly exported (you have both sound and image, the beginning and end points are correct etc.)




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